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2023 Pastoral Letter - Advent

Advent Message

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Advent is a time of hope-filled waiting. We are anticipating the joy of celebrating the

birth of Jesus, together at worship and with our loved ones. Theologically we are also

anticipating the next coming of Christ into the world. Our readings have taught us

that we do that best by not worrying about it, but by being our very best in our daily

lives. We can care for those we love, care for our community and our church, and care

for those in need. By emulating Jesus, we are preparing for his coming again.

Here at Christ Church, we have been waiting a long time for news of the plan to call a

permanent, part-time pastor. A call committee was formed and approved in June. We

were alerted to the availability of a candidate. Then things seemed to stand still.

Now, during this season of hope and anticipation, Bishop Egensteiner has informed

us that he will be appointing Pastor Susan Shelhart as stated supply (which means

leading worship every Sunday) and coverage (which means basic care of the

congregation, in this instance expanded to include the same pastoral presence you had

during the interim period) for six months beginning March 1. Although I will be

completing my two year interim assignment with you as of the end of February as

planned, I will be available as a mentor to Pastor Susan and the congregation during

the six-month period.

At the end of the six months, all things being well, the congregation will have the

opportunity to formally call Pastor Susan Shelhart as permanent part-time pastor.

Meanwhile, during the six months, the call committee will complete its work, which

has been made easier since Pastor Susan has already led worship more than once and

you have gotten to know her as a fellow member of Christ Church.

We never know where, when, or how the Holy Spirit is working in our midst! Pastor

Susan was drawn to join our congregation, not realizing that she would be given the

opportunity to serve. As I have gotten to know her I have recognized her many gifts

for ministry, not the least of which is that she is a musician who will collaborate

beautifully with Kevin, our musical director.

I still have two and a half months with you as interim pastor, so this is not goodbye. I

share the joy and hope of this next step on your journey together. There are so many

wonderful things going on here at Christ Church which I have been privileged to be a

part of.

A Blessed Christmas and a healthy and fulfilling New Year to all!  Pastor Cline

2023 Pastoral Letter - June

A Message from Pastor Cline

The busy and joyous season of Easter has culminated in the celebration

of Pentecost, God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. This season after Pentecost offers an

opportunity for the Church to reflect on what it has celebrated in the first half of

the church year, but also to step into the story it has just heard—a story of God’s

love for all people marked by the incarnation of Jesus and His life, death, and

resurrection as a member of our human, broken world.

In the Roman Catholic tradition this is called “Ordinary Time” although we

Lutherans persist in identifying the Sundays that follow Pentecost as “Second

Sunday after Pentecost” and so on. It is a season that seems to go on forever, it

might be punctuated by commemorations of saints, but generally speaking will be

lived in until Reformation Sunday, the last Sunday in October.

Although Ordinary Time might be a better way of describing these months

ahead, someone recently reminded me that “there is nothing ordinary about

these times.” During this period in the church year, we are given an opportunity to

hear stories about Jesus’ ministry in our gospel lessons, which helps us to

understand how the stories are timeless, how they relate to our everyday lives.

Perhaps a better way of thinking about this time without major festivals is

to reflect on the many events that will happen in our lives. There will be births,

deaths, time for joy and time for sorrow, time to share our blessings and time to

offer prayer and solace on behalf of others. God will accompany us on this

journey through summer into the fall.

Here at Christ church, blessed and empowered by the gift of the Holy

Spirit, we will continue to share in worship, fellowship activities, and planning for

our future mission as God’s people acting in the world. There are exciting times

ahead for the people of Christ church and we eagerly await the surprises God

has in store for us!

If you are already a member of our community, please invite your friends.

If you are a visitor to this site, please come and join us on Sunday mornings at

ten am followed by a wonderful coffee hour featuring good conversation,

delicious snacks and the best Lutheran coffee on Long Island.

We hope to share our journey in faith with you! Pastor Laurie Cline

2023 Pastoral Letter - Lent

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Each season of the church year affords us different opportunities for spiritual growth.

We are now in the season of Lent, which provides us with an opportunity for

profound transformation in our lives. The word Lent comes from the Old English

and it means “spring season.” At least a portion of Lent takes place during spring,

which reminds us of new beginnings, new growth, and a release from the dark days of

winter. The light is gradually increasing daily, which gives us a feeling of renewal. Just

as we often clean our homes and property in the spring, Lent gives us the chance to

do a thorough cleansing of our hearts and minds.

Lent is traditionally the time for repentance – which means not just confessing our

sins and asking for forgiveness; but turning our lives around. It is also the time when

we give to others (alms giving) and observe Lenten discipline. Although Lutherans

often think of that as “Roman Catholic” it is suggested in our church that people age

12 and up in good health fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. That means one

simple meal and no meat. Some Lutherans also eliminate meat on all Fridays during

Lent. Although not obligatory, it can be a tradition that helps to set Lent apart from

the rest of the year and a means of reminding ourselves of the meaning of the season.

Those are suggestions, each of us may have, or can begin, our own meaningful Lenten

tradition to observe.

Lent lasts for 40 days, from Ash Wednesday until after sundown on the Saturday

before Easter. The six Sundays are not counted, so if you deprive yourself of a luxury

or treat for Lent, you can indulge on Sunday which is always the celebration of the

Resurrection of Our Lord, although more subdued in worship than the rest of the

year. We begin Lent with confession and the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday,

February 22 at 7 pm, which is not meant to be a sign to the rest of the world of how

“holy” we are, but rather a powerful individual remembrance of our mortality.

Here at Christ church, we join together on Tuesdays at 6 pm during Lent to share in a

simple meal of soup, salad and bread and then we have a 15 minute Lenten devotion.

Everyone is welcome – we enjoyed having the Scouts join us some Tuesdays last year.

We also pray those who are able to will practice sacrificial giving during this season

using our Lent envelopes to support our ministry.

If you are seeking a church home, join us on Sundays at 10 am. You will find a warm

welcome in this place where we are experiencing renewal after the challenges of the

pandemic. May God bless us during this special season of repentance, renewal, and


Pastor Laurie Cline

2022 Greeting Letter

Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church! That is the greeting I received upon arriving for my new call  as interim pastor at this congregation. We have been serving this community for 107 years and we desire to continue to serve the spiritual and practical needs of our community for decades to come.

We have begun our Lenten journey that leads to the cross, and then ultimately to the joy of the Resurrection. Lent is a time of reflection, prayer, and giving. It is a time when we focus on our repentance, which means not just saying we are sorry for our sins, but that we do a “180” and turn our lives around. On our Lenten journey here at Christ, we are focusing on the healing and saving ministry that Jesus brought to this world to help and strengthen us for the task of ministry to which we are called.

We continue to serve our congregation with inspiring worship, beautiful music, opportunities for learning for all ages, pastoral care, fellowship and, of course, serving others. We are pleased to have many community groups use our space including Scouts, Homemakers and AA. We contribute to the community food pantry at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in East Islip and Mercy Soup Kitchen in Wyandanch.

Please join us at 10 am on Sundays for worship, followed by coffee hour – an opportunity to get to know one another – and Sunday school. On Tuesday evenings during Lent we gather for soup, salad and bread and share informal Lenten devotions.

Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church! That is the greeting you will receive when you enter our church.

Join us on our journey!

May God bless and keep you,

Interim Pastor Laurie Cline